As a CEA spinoff, our team works with its « Medicine & Healthcare Technologies » department in a synergetic cluster environment where interact the laboratories relying on various antibodies based metiers.
Our scientific team has built up 20 years of R&D and a strong know how in engineering GPCR antibodies resulting in a consolidated and original immunization strategy to overcome hurddles of GPCR antibodies design :
Our scientific team has built up 20 years of R&D and a strong know how in engineering GPCR antibodies resulting in a consolidated and original immunization strategy to overcome hurddles of GPCR antibodies design:
1) Preparation of homogeneous and functional GPCR antigens difficult due to:
- Isolation of pure protein in its native conformation
- Stabilization and solubilization form
2) Low surface expression makes difficult the development of efficient antibody screening tools
3) Lack of immunogenic regions the exposed area of the GPCR since extracellular epitopes are limited
4) GPCR are allosteric molecules and lead to strong heterogenicity of conformations due to:
- A highly variable the extracellular region
- Multiple post-transcriptional modifications
- Multiple ligands binding
- Multiple oligomers resulting from the binding with other proteins